Podcast: Calling All Slug Experts, Virgin Births, and Droppin’ Possums from Buildings

Listen up!

Tuesday Video Lunch: If I could spend time in a bottle…

Harry the hermit crab has a brand new house at LegoLand Windsor Resort. In England, this qualifies as news. Here at Animal News the Podcast Blog, it qualifies as Video Lunch!

Personally, I prefer when hermit crabs take up residence in beer bottles. Glass is way more environmentally friendly than plastic and somewhat less gaudy than children’s building blocks. Take, for example this lovely bottle neck “shell” found in Finland:

When he grows up, he can move into a larger model:

So stick to glass bottles for your beer. If not to avoid the poisons from plastic bottles, then do it for the hermit crabs. (And the other animals that are adversely affected by all of the pollution caused by plastics.)

Birds Finally Get In On The Gif Game

Oh Yeah.

Harris's Sparrow Migration Pattern, or the dripping of Canada

In a link too cool not to post, ebirds.org has posted a bunch of migratory gifs for the US.  I just like how cool they look.  You should check them out.  Additionally, you should read the little stories that accompany them, which show the research that went into making these gifs, and what was revealed when they were made.  Very cool.  Thanks to io9 for the heads up.